@article{oai:kiui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001042, author = {田中, 禮子 and TANAKA, Reiko}, issue = {11}, journal = {吉備国際大学社会福祉学部研究紀要, Journal of Kibi International University School of Social Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article tries to find out the relationship between the living environment and mental health of young children and their coping process when they face stressful events in daily life. The findings from the study targeted children of the 5th and 6th std. the factor analysis shows that the "unpleasance / anger" factor appears most frequently among the four which appear in mental health. These factors include "Physical condition", "depression / anxiety", "unpleasance / anger" and "reluctance". This implies the recent increase of violence in children. The 4.1-6.4% of the children had difficulty in finding their coping strategy for their psychological problems. The article tries to give a brief picture of the necessary support for children to improve their physical and psychological conditions from the findings., KJ00009354919}, pages = {37--48}, title = {子どもが求める子育ち支援-小学校高学年生の心身の安定と生活環境、対処過程に焦点をあてて-}, year = {2006}, yomi = {タナカ, レイコ} }