@article{oai:kiui.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000993, author = {赤坂, 真人 and AKASAKA, Makoto}, issue = {16}, journal = {吉備国際大学社会学部研究紀要, Journal of Kibi International University School of International and Industrial Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {A purpose of this article is to draw exactly a summary of the social system theory of Vilfredo Pareto to be the Italian sociologist who first introduced a method called a system analysis to sociology. It is Lawrence Joseph Henderson that introduced the social system theory of Pareto to the American sociology. He read Pareto's Mind and Society and was fascinated by this book, and propagates Pareto's sociological theory mainly to the teachers and graduate students of Harvard University. In these teachers and graduate students, especially Talcott Parsons and George Casper Homans was influenced by Pareto's sociological theory and made a unique social system theory develop.However, almost all books and papers to trace the tradition of a social system theory have not considered the idea of "social system"of Pareto in detail that is one of source of the system analysis in sociology. In this article, I will return to a starting point of Pareto's system theory and give it detail consideration over again. It may present clearly a significance of Pareto's theory in the history of the social system theory., KJ00009353839}, pages = {1--12}, title = {パレート社会システム論再考(2)歴史における社会システムの均衡}, year = {2006}, yomi = {アカサカ, マコト} }